Meet your running coach
Ready. Set. Marathon. Team
Meet RSM Founder, Coach Jane.

If you invested in your running journey TODAY, just think where you’ll be in one year. Because if you’re going to do the hard work, you might as well do it right…RIGHT?! I firmly believe that if you commit to the long game, you’ll be amazed at who you become in the process.
Jane’s Running Journey:
How I Got Here
In my mid-20s I ran two marathons that didn’t go well (terrible experiences if I’m being honest) and after that I took a 10-year hiatus from the distance as I focused on starting a family.
It was the chance to run a marathon with my husband that brought me back to the distance in 2017. For that marathon training cycle, I actually learned how to train properly which led to an amazing experience running the Twin Cities Marathon.
After that, I realized that maybe, just maybe, qualifying for Boston was within my reach. It took one failed attempt, a BQ that led to a cancelled 2020 Boston Marathon, a big disappointment and finally another BQ in 2021 before I was able to make that dream a reality.
With my family cheering me on, I crossed the finish line of the Boston Marathon on April 18, 2022.
Going sub 3:30 became the next big goal and after two misses, I achieved that at the 2023 Boston Marathon. Even as a mom of 3 with over 20 years of running experience, and a few years into my 40s, I’m still setting PRs…and you can, too!

127th Boston Marathon, April 2023
Meet Coach Tiffany.
I’m a big believer that knowledge is power, wisdom is a gift and sharing what you learn is both a privilege and a responsibility. Coaching runners to achieve their goals at any age or stage allows me to bring that philosophy to life.
Tiffany’s Running Journey:
How I Got Here
I’ve always enjoyed being active, but I didn’t start to take running seriously until my early thirties. Before that, I didn’t understand why people ran long distances and may have even said “I will never run a marathon!”
But one thing to know about me is that I love to learn, so I decided to celebrate my 35th birthday by running my first half marathon. It was a memorable experience, but I knew I had so much more to learn to meet my potential.
Since adding years of hard work, discipline and great coaching guidance, I’ve now run 3 BQ marathons, many half marathons and have toed the line in almost every weather element.
I also practice and teach yoga which has taught me so much about strength, balance and flexibility in both body and mind.
All of my experiences have got me to where I am today and now I get the incredible opportunity to pay forward all of those lessons learned. I love helping others to find the belief and potential in themselves. Consider my journey a reminder that it is never too late to try something new!

Ready to reach your potential as a runner?
Working with a dedicated running coach will help you avoid injury, make progress, and uncover what’s truly possible for you as a runner. Whether you have a distance or target time in mind, or just want to find out what you’re capable of, we’d love to help you get there.
Virtual Coaching
1:1 run coaching combined with a completely tailored training plan based on your current level of fitness and personal running goals that I customize to fit into your lifestyle.
Training Plans
Get one-time help preparing for your “A race” with a custom tailored running plan based on your current level of fitness and personal running goals.
Coaching Call
Perfect for athletes who like to train independently, but are looking for answers to specific training questions, fueling advice, race-day strategy and more.
Marathon Running Tips & Tricks
New videos posted weekends. Perfect for watching while prepping or recovering from your long run!