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What is considered distance running?

What is considered distance running?

Whether you’re a runner, or just a fan of the sport, you’ve undoubtedly heard the term “distance running” and wondered what exactly it means. Surely the athletes who compete in marathons are partaking in distance running...but where is the line drawn? Are Olympic track stars long distance runners?  Are recreational joggers who hop into the occasional 5k considered long distance runners?  The term...

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Trail Running VS. Road Running: What to Expect

Trail Running VS. Road Running: What to Expect

Are you new to trail running and wondering how it differs from road running? As someone who ran only roads for a very long time before adding in some trails, it's normal to wonder what to expect. The main difference between trail running and road running is the terrain. Road running typically refers to any running that's done on a flat hard surface such as asphalt or cement whereas trail running is done on natural ground...

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Running After Injury: Steps for a Healthy Return

Running After Injury: Steps for a Healthy Return

Being injured can be one of the most frustrating and disruptive aspects of the sport of running, but it’s actually quite common. Estimates vary, but according to a recent study cited in Runner’s World magazine, 46% of runners reported being injured over the course of a year. Luckily, most runners are able to get back to their normal running routine after healing when done the correct way. The best and safest way to get back...

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How Far Can a Human Run?

How Far Can a Human Run?

Plenty of runners finish marathons and even 100-mile ultramarathons every year, so it's no secret that we as humans are capable of moving our bodies a pretty long distance if we go about it the right way. Even though most "normal" people I talk to think it's crazy enough just to try and run 26.2 miles or more without stopping, humans can actually run much, MUCH farther than that and I bet it's far beyond what you'd guess....

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How long does it take to run a mile?

How long does it take to run a mile?

For a seasoned runner, one mile really doesn't seem very far to go. But for someone who isn't trained, running one mile can be challenging. Ultimately, a variety of factors will determine how long it takes someone to run one mile. On average, it takes an adult between 8 and 10 minutes to run one mile. Trained runners usually run much faster with mile times between 6 and 8 minutes in length with the fastest elite runners...

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Running at Altitude: Why It’s Hard and How to Adjust

Running at Altitude: Why It’s Hard and How to Adjust

If you’ve ever gone on vacation to a location at a significantly higher elevation than where you live, it’s likely you noticed the effects of the altitude on your body - especially if you decided to go for a run. I believe they call the term “sucking wind.” Why does running at altitude feel so terrible? The higher you go up in altitude, the less oxygen there is in the air for you to breathe. Because your muscles require more...

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Should you wear underwear with running shorts?

Should you wear underwear with running shorts?

If you've ever picked up a pair of shorts that's specifically made for running, you'll notice that most have a liner inside that resemble a pair of underwear. Some people may find this irritating, while others have become so accustomed to it that they don't really know any different. Either way, it can be confusing to know whether or not you should wear underwear with this type of running shorts. Running shorts that have a...

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6 Best GPS Running Watches for Women in 2022

6 Best GPS Running Watches for Women in 2022

One of the women athletes that I coach uses that popular rectangular-faced watch (that shall go unnamed) for her runs and last week she texted me saying she couldn't stand using it for that purpose any longer and wanted a watch specifically designed for running. Of course I went into full-on, let me give you all the juicy details mode. An accurate GPS running watch is definitely is on my list of runners' must haves. Top 6...

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8 of the Very Best Running Socks to Prevent Blisters

8 of the Very Best Running Socks to Prevent Blisters

Socks are kind of a boring topic and there are a lot more cool pieces of running gear than socks. But, I am a weirdo (or maybe I'm not alone in this?!) who thinks a new pair of socks is a fabulous thing. And truthfully, if you're not being picky about your running sock choice, it's time to start. If you want to up your running game and avoid blisters in the process, it's time to ditch your cheap cotton socks and go for a...

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How to Buy the Perfect Pair of Running Shoes Online

How to Buy the Perfect Pair of Running Shoes Online

Shopping online is incredibly convenient, but there are some items that are easier to buy "sight unseen" than others. Though running shoes may not be the easiest item to buy online since the fit matters so much and how everyone runs is different, it can definitely be done! I've had a lot of success buying running shoes online, and you can, too, with these 5 tips: 1.) Measure Your Feet to Get the Correct Shoe Size2.)...

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